Do you need help tackling professional or personal challenges? 
Do you feel momentarily out of your depth?
Are you going through a rough period?
We have a wide experience with coaching adults and teenagers to help them find their way, or their path.
Imagine your development as a path winding its way towards the top
of a mountain not always clearly visible
Imagine someone helping you identify your goal and map out your route
Imagine that rather than being focused on difficulties and weariness, you concentrate on your objective and the best way to get there
Life Coaching – Personal Development – Professional development
for you, leader, adult faced with various challenges :
- Improving my leadership capacities
- Managing emotions
- Feeling lost and not knowing where to go next
- Making choices
- Organizing my life better (including work-life balance)
- Improving self-confidence
- Handling change (promotion, restructuring, new team, redundancy, return to work, etc.)
- Re-orienting my career and preparing for interviews
- Skills assessment and development
- Business start-up support (SMEs, startups, self-employed)
and for you teenager and young adult, faced with these challenges :
- « I do not know what I want to do with my life »
- « I cannot talk to my parents, they do not understand »
- « I feel lost, I feel angry, I have lost all confidence in myself »
- « I am scared of this meeting / interview »
- « My parents don’t get on, it makes me sad, lost, angry »
- « I cannot do my homework or concentrate »
- « I don’t know who I am »
Everyone can be confronted to any one of these questions, doubts, uncertainties. At times it may be a fleeting loss of confidence, but important enough to be cared for and taken into account, if it stops one feeling good, sleeping well, being in peace.
A few coaching sessions particularly adapted to young people can help find a path, understand a bit better how to move forward, how to feel more confident.
Our method
The Solution Focused coaching we offer is based on an approach developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg
- We focus on the desired outcome, looking ahead and finding ways to get there
- We are convinced that within each individual lies the potential to get where he or she wants
- We build on past experiences to lay stepping stones to help each person reach their goal
How it works
Efficient and rapid results obtained after only a few sessions (usually 4 to 6)
Particularly adapted to professional environments familiar with setting objectives
Concrete, with an experimental phase involving small changes in daily life
Coaching can be done in English or in French
Coaching sessions can also be done via Skype