Workshop DateInscriptionsLanguage Location Details
EMBO Self-leadership14-15-16 February 2024EMBO SolutionsEnglishOnline ZoomFor women only life scientists
EMBO Negotiate with success6-7 March, 12 AprilEMBO SolutionsEnglishOnline ZoomScientists
EPFL Négocier avec succès29-30 AprilEPFL Keep LearningFrenchEPFLEPFL
HETS Négocier avec succès14 MayHETS GenevaFrenchHETS GenevaCAS Médiation
WWF Négocier avec succès25 MayWWF Switzerland/SANUFrenchLausanneWWF chef.fes de projet en environnement
Self-leadership, regarder en soi pour réussir5,6,7 Junesr@stephanieruder.chFrenchResidential, Swiss AlpsFor all
EMBO Self-leadership 28,29,30 AugustEMBO SolutionsEnglishHeidelberg/LeimenFor women only life scientists
EMBO Negotiate with success4-5 September, 2 OctoberEMBO SolutionsEnglishOnline ZoomScientists
EPFL Facing conflicts, a toolbox12-13 SeptemberEPFL Keep LearningEnglishEPFLEPFL
EPFL Facing conflicts, a toolbox13,14,15 NovemberEPFL Keep LearningEnglishEPFLEPFL
EPFL Negotiate with success18-19 NovemberEPFL Keep LearningEnglishEPFLEPFL
EMBO Self-leadership27,28,29 NovemberEMBO SolutionsEnglishOnline ZoomScientists (mixed gender)

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